Life goes on…

Vaishnavi V
4 min readJun 15, 2021

In my 22 years of existence, I have learnt a lot of lessons that life taught me. But, out of all those, one thing that really sunk deep in every time, was the phrase “Life Goes On”. We all know some bitter truths and refuse to accept those, but the truth is life goes on, whether you accept it or not, it is the reality, and it is going to happen no matter what. Nothing at all but only change & evolution are the constants in this journey of life. Let me tell you, there is one secret to smoothen some of the rough patches from our life. Do you know what it is? It is acceptance, accepting yourself, accepting change, accepting evolution. Sometimes we are the ones who create problems for ourselves by resisting change. If we want to have a good, valuable and adventurous journey, then we need to accept those constant changes that life brings to challenge us.

Life isn’t meant to be easy, it is meant to be lived. I am sure everyone of us had that situation when we thought, “why do I have to face so many problems?”, “ Why always me?”, “Why is it so

hard for me to live?”, “ Why can’t my life be filled with happiness?” . What do we mean by happiness? Sometimes, I feel happiness is overrated. Sure, we need happiness in our life, but it’s just a part of it. We also need sadness, anger, fear, anxiety, and all kinds of emotions and situations to make us realize what real happiness is. We need multiple facets to be closer to completeness. We should be thankful for the good people we have met in life, as they make our lives amazing, but we should also be thankful for the toxic people we met, as those people made us realize the value of good in our lives, those people taught us many unforgettable lessons and led us to self growth. We should be thankful for all the little accomplishments we have achieved, but we should also be thankful for the failures which led us to more accomplishments. If we start accepting things cheerfully, there is no bad, sometimes we win, but sometimes we learn. Sometimes happy, other times rough… but with every up and down we learn lessons that make us strong. We can break down and cry, but we have to get back up and start living again, because life goes on.

Things end, people leave, some die, life gets pretty shitty sometimes. I remember so many times I have sat and cried over my petty problems thinking “this is the end”. As if in that moment, my heart would cease to beat and the storybook that is my life is coming to a close. But, every time when I wiped my tears, I realized that life goes on. My petty problems will not mean a thing, even for me in future. In fact, it will become a matter of laughter. I am sure we all think of some situations in the past, and how we thought that everything will end at that very moment, but here we are living our life, still after so many years, and laughing at our own past self.

Even in the darkest of times, we should always remember, “ This too shall pass”. No matter what you’re dealing with, whether it’s the hour of pride or the depth of affliction, remember — this too shall pass. Life is made up of highs and lows and it always will be. When you are low sometimes you forget about the highs, but they will return. Rather than just mindlessly charging through life we should stop and look at the world around us and think about what we’re doing and where we’re going. Rather than just reacting automatically to the circumstances we find ourselves in, we should accept the situation, think about it and choose the most appropriate response. Rather than getting caught up in things, we should step back and see the big picture. Accepting reality helps us in detaching ourselves from the situation and seeing the big picture. It can help us see things more clearly and more objectively. It can help us deal with the bad times knowing that they will pass, and appreciate the good times while we have them, knowing that they won’t last forever.

Like I said, life is not meant to be easy, it is meant to be lived. So stop for a moment and take a look around, breathe, accept, let go, and appreciate what you have while you have it. The next time you’re feeling low just remind yourself that life goes on, and, this too shall pass.

Keep smiling!!!

